Power brakes bench Z-23100

Power brake booster test bench

This new bench in stainless steel is an innovative tool for garages that work on power brake boosters, as it allows technicians to complete all diagnostic and repair operations quickly and efficiently without moving the item from the table.
The bench is delivered equipped with:
  • Vice with mandrail and tool to block power brake booster, with contrast adjustable by screw, which allows to avoid losing control of the upper cap at the moment of booster extraction; the mandrail is installed over a turntable that may easily be blocked on 8 different positions at 45° each;
  • Assembling and disassembling keys to open and close power brake booster;
  • Control panel formed by:
    A) pump to create vacuum with vacuum measurer, that is useful to verify the correct behaviour of the booster;
    B) pump for brakes, that is necessary to check incoming and outgoing pressure on the powr brake booster; the table is equipped with 2 measurers in order to allow technicians working also on bigger pumps which are assembled with 2 exits;

The table can be also equipped, when required, with our universal pneumatic vice (code Z-12000).


